Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Boring blankness

Ok, so really there is not point updating today but I feel like I should follow the routine rather than break it (again).
I really did nothing today. Well obviously I did something cause I'm still alive but I bore you enough as it is. Basically the most interesting thing was playing the piano.

But today homesickness is so bad. I miss everyone so much and the feeling about crying isn't going away. I know that talking to Charlie helped a little bit but I don't really feel like I have anyone proper to talk to. There's no one I fully trust here and I kind of feel like a burden on those at home cause they are getting on with their own lives. I guess it's a good opportunity for my to Fully Rely On God, but I just want to cry and have a hug from someone who I trust fully. And I do trust God fully but He doesn't give the best hugs.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Hey Polly

I have been taking a peek at your blog since you started it so first be encouraged that someone is taking the time and having the interest to read it.

I wish i knew what to say to help you feel better. Perhaps a hug in the morning will work a wee bit for you. You have impressed me so much in all you have done so far and I know that there will be so much more for you and from you as the year goes on. I know you find this hard to belieev sometimes but you are such an intelligent and talented young woman of God and you hold so much potential - I am excited to have you here and excited to see what god will do in your life in your time here with us.

Sometimes we wish there was a homesick pill that just made those feelings of missing people and places and habits go away. Maybe that is how we will make our millions!!!???!!! We could write a book - maybe a song is more realistic eh???

Polly, Margaret and I love you and are so pleased and excited for you to be here. Please know that I am praying for you hard at the minute, praying that you will know the hug from God you need - He does give them - praying that you will know the call and direction he has for you for this year and praying that you will come to know more peace about being away from home this year.

America is a weird place filled with weird people as I am sure you have discovered as we watched Springer for a while today. You bring some balance and sense into it all as well as a depth of faith and relationship with God that will leave a mark on the lives of all the people you come into contact with.

I love you Polly and I owe you a few hugs for this week. Forgive my lacking as your friend, mentor and leader this past couple of weeks -the stress related to hurricanes, displacemwent etc only goes so far as an excuse.

Take some time to read Psalm 34 esp verse 18. I think it works for you a wee bit.

Love you Polly.
