Sunday, September 12, 2004


I would love to say today was eventful but of course it wasn't. Somehow I managed to sleep to half 10 and then I got up and had the nicest bagels for breakfast...I'm sure you all wanted to know that!

I watched Bruce Almighty and realised that Margaret and Charlie have watched it way to many times. In fact they've even adopted some of the phrases from it. I won't tell you which ones cause that might destroy the golden image a lot of you have of them.

Afterwards we just sat around and listened to Charlie play the piano. I had a go after him and came to the conclusion that grade 2 piano is all I can manage. That and "cheers" is deadly to play.

I feel bad cause today is their wedding anniversary and they haven't really had any time alone. I wish I could drive and then I'd go out and buy them something and they could spend time together. Charlie is at church now though even though curfew started 15 minutes ago. Apparently all the street lights aren't fixed and people keep crashing into each other. Don't they have lights on their cars?

I also feel bad cause my sister had an epileptic fit today. It was only minor but I still wish I could be home and looking after her. We are really close (due to the fact we shared a room for 15 years) and normally I look after her when she's sick. She just changes the way she says my name and I know exactly what she wants. It's a neat party trick too. I hope she isn't missing me as much as I am her. It probably wouldn't help her recovery.

So that's you up to date. I'm thinking that writing weekly would make for more entertaining reading...or at least give me something to say. I'm perfecting my babbling skills though!

Hope you are all good!

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