Monday, September 13, 2004


Today I was at church. Only one service so it was packed. I was introduced during the children's talk but I only had to stand up while Charlie said who I was. Not too embarrassing.

Lots of people came and said "hi" afterwards. I don't really remember their names though. There was a set of baby twins, Logan and Trinity, who were so adorable. I got to hold Logan twice! I didn't want to give him back. I want one! And yet no cause who wants to go through the pain and the whole waking up at 2 in the morning thing?

I read Keith Anderson's blogg today and found that he had written "God has countless ways of communicating with us, we have only one way of communicating with him - through prayer!" I think that that is really cool especially since I'm finding it hard to talk to people about the issues I'm facing at the moment. Everyday I phone home and have to force myself not to cry and when people ask me how things are going, I tend to smile and nod a lot. The only "person" I can talk to about everything is God and really it is taking a weight off my shoulders (but maybe not my chest). Listening for the whisper is my challenge though. I want to hear and see God in everything.

I keep writing loads of stuff like emails, bloggs, journal entries, prayers, and a few random poems but really I'm more working round in circles than through stuff. If you can help at all please email me! Also, prayer is a powerful weapon and I would love it if people would pray for me and the church I'm going to be working with. They all seem like really decent people but it'll be hard to work with the kids as I'm basically their age and I'm easily intimidated.

Anyway, I haven't really done much else today.
Must go find fun and interesting things so I can write more later...

Hope you are good.

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