Thursday, September 16, 2004

God socks

Today was a big, busy day. I got up usual time of 7.15 to find that I couldn't turn my head to the right. The neck problem got worse as the day progressed and I'm grateful to however invented painkillers.
In the office I spent most of the day making a bulletin insert. This time it was an invitation to the community picnic. Rich (one of the pastors) wanted it about the size of a business card which made it slightly more complicated. I got them done though. In my opinion they look pretty crap but other people seem to like them. I'm getting very sick of them though as I had to print 174 sheets, each with 3 cards on the them, and I'm still in the process of cutting out all the cards. Quite boring and the guillotine makes the most annoying high pitched grinding noise. Eugh.
After that I got to go shopping (yay?) for m&ms and a playstation2. Unfortunately the playstation2 didn't work too good so we have to take it back tomorrow. The m&ms were used tonight in a fun-ish game where you had to ask people questions based on the colour of m&ms. Most of the questions were about the hurricane as we wanted the youth group to discuss that.
Also tonight I got to give my testimony to the middle high youth group. There were only 12 of them so it wasn't so bad but I still felt a bit out of place standing at the front.

I sent an email out to a few people about me feeling like I was wearing shoes that were far too big and yet my feet just kept moving on. Phil replied to me with the coolest thing...
God is like a pair of big, squishy socks.
Not only does he fill in the things that you don't think you can do, he supports you and comforts you! Totally cool.

Anyway, I'm still meant to make a list of things I want to "change" about myself through this year. Any suggestions are welcome!

Hope you are well!

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