Saturday, September 18, 2004

"Sleep is good..."

Do you know how happy I'll be to sleep-in tomorrow? Extremely. I'm very very tired and I'm starting to feel a bit ill.

Today I was at the office (again) and I helped with photograph collages. They look cool though I'm sure the youth will hate them. I would if it were me. Then I slacked off and sent emails and found out about some weird music event we're going to in November. Once I find out more I'll fill you in. It's supposed to be really good though.
Tonight I went to the cinema to see Wicker Park with some of the Senior High girls. It was really nice to hang out with them cause it made me feel kind of normal again. They are really nice though they are all about 16 and they look older than me. It's so not fair. Why do I look so young?

The movie was quite confusing. Lots of flashbacks and stuff. I followed it quite well considering the amount of interruptions from the annoying kids in front of me. Don't you just hate it when they won't shut up? A couple of the girls were tempted to go get the manager but they were already confused enough by the movie that they didn't want to leave and miss a whole section. It has Josh Hartnett in it if that helps. I remember when my dear friend was entirely obsessed by him. I'm still kind of put off by the eyebrows.

Anyway, side tracked! I'm so tired. I think I need to go to bed. I might go shopping tomorrow with Holly. It's quite amusing that there's Holly, Molly and now Polly. Quite confusing too though! My last name is driving me mad too. I need to get married so I can get rid of it! Not any time soon though...please don't scare me!

Well, hope everything's good where you all are. I'm praying that Jean doesn't hit us!


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