Monday, September 20, 2004


Ooooh I missed a day! Yesterday I went shopping with Holley and bought a skort and shorts for $12. Apparently very good value. They were on sale. Would have been around $60 if not. It was fun but tiring...4hours of shopping!

Today was hard. It was my first proper Sunday with 3 services. Course I have Sunday school during the only interesting one. I went to the other two traditional services and they were exactly the same except at different times. Very weird. Also had youth this evening which was just hanging out.
I have to say that my afternoon was totally pointless cause I sunbathed and yet I'm still milk white!

I went through my first dramatic homesickness today. I've felt like I need to cry since I got here but it finally got the best of me today. I only cried for like a minute though. I just really miss my family. I miss being able to be completely myself and know that no matter what they'll always love me. I miss seeing them, and talking to them and being able to give them hugs. I'm still really worried about my sister. I'm making myself cry again!
I also feel like I'm invading Charlie and Marge's life. Charlie says I'm not cause they invited me and they are excited to have me here. He also said he knew that it would be better for me to be with people who love me for a while so I can work through some homesickness. Just what I needed to hear to make me stop crying...not.

I'm overly emotional and apparently that's related to the stress of leaving home and well as the fact that I miss home.
Anyway, I need to go sort my face out before I go back into public view. I used to be such a professional crier. I just make a mess now!

Miss you all.

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