Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Better days

I got some really nice emails and comments after my last entry and they made me want to cry for a different reason. Everyone is so nice! You'll be glad to hear that I did get a hug today. It was nice, though I was worried that I would smell like Charlie all day. Luckily I had used lots of my new "Country Apple" products and so I still smelt of them. They are nice.

Today was better even though I nearly started to cry in Charlie's office, but it was better than crying in the restaurant we went to for lunch. We had a nice wee "get to know you again" chat. I'm pretty sure I didn't reveal much of myself during it but we did establish that writing is a good outlet for me. And now Charlie is reading my blog so he gets to know all about me from the comfort of his study. I really need to think of more interesting things to say.

Oooh today I made another bulletin type thing! How exciting is that? I know I slag the fact that all I seem to do is make things to hand out, but I do enjoy making them. I like being able to work a computer, though sometimes I really am just guessing.

1 comment:

roast honey said...

Hey polly, just to say i only just read your blogs today and i love them. You are such a gifted writer so it is important that u do the journal thing. Always worked for me! Love ya and praying for ya...gotta get back to my year 8s!