Sunday, October 24, 2004

Just a little break

I feel bad for not updating sooner but I've not been very able to type the past few days. Since Sunday my right hand has been about twice the size it's meant to be from an allergic reaction. I never want to go through that again. I thought they might need to amputate it at one point.

Anyway, last Saturday I spent the day with Ronda. We went to the Vero outlet mall and looked about. It was basically a time for me to spend time with her daughter Nicky. Apparently I should have friends outside church too. If I did need to pick one I think she would be a good choice cause she's really nice and likes to have fun.

This week I was meant to take my driving test but I can't do it until I get my proper learners permit. It took the guy an hour and a half to tell us that though. I was not very happy!

Today I took story time at care college. I was a little nervous and talked really fast! Oops.

I also got a package from my sister. There were some birthday cards, a "My sister" book of quotes and a bracelet. It made me a little upset.

Homesickness is one of those annoying cycles that you think you get through but then it comes back. Like when you have the hiccups and you hope they're done but then they aren't after all.

Hope you are all good. I miss you!

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