Saturday, October 02, 2004

Paper cuts

I feel like what I write in these entries is the most boring thing ever and yet people still want me to write more...Okay, whatever you want.
Today I went to the office again (as if you couldn't have guessed) and we had nothing to do whatsoever. I attempted setting up a forum which was somewhat futile and then went in search of work in the office. Karen suggested phones and my first thought was "Only if when I answer I can just pass them through to you." That would have been so helpful, don't you think? Luckily Gladys came up with a different but not necessarily fun task.

She pulled out a letter and said that we needed 550 copies folded, put into envelopes, stuck down and stamped. She didn't lie when she said it would take a while. Thankfully I had some helpers otherwise I might have gone insane. At first glance it was daunting cause I hate folding letters into three. I never seem to get them matching or straight or even the right size to fit in the envelope, but once I found a system time flew by. In fact Holley had to drag me away to lunch, even though I didn't really have breakfast and was kind of hungry.

I'm glad she dragged me away. I had a raspberry, strawberry, banana smoothie and Wendy's food. All very yum and I could nearly convince myself that at least the drink was healthy until Holley told me how much sugar was in it. Gross.

So other than that I haven't done much today. I tried to get back into the normal (what is normal?) structure of the day and just go with the flow but I don't think I was fully there for most of it. Some of the time I just sat there trying not to move so that I wouldn't aggravate my back pain. Other times I just stared off into space thinking about home and actually I'm not sure what else. It all seems a big blur. How can so many hours just whirl by?

Another thing is that three weeks seem to have just gone in a blink. I'm already down to 9 months and I feel like I've done nothing. Obviously I've made some new friends and I've tried my best to do what needed done but looking back, the stuff I did really didn't need done. But that's now and not then.

I think I need some perspective on everything.

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