Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Time flies when you're having fun

Last week was somewhat hectic. So much so that I'm now sick again. It's not fair that I always get sick!

On Friday I went to see a movie with Kathy called Birth. It has that creepy kid from Godsend in it. Anyway, we thought that it would be scary, but actually everyone just said "WHAT?" when the movie ended. In fact a girl two rows in front turned round to someone behind her and asked if they could explain it. I don't think I recommend it but if there's a sequel I'll probably see it just so that some of it can be explained.

On Saturday I carved my very first pumpkin! It's so cute. We lit it up last night and put it out front. I'll try and upload the picture sometime soon.

Of course Halloween is a huge thing here. I went trick or treating to three houses and got enough sweets for a month. Then I felt too sick and came back to hand out stuff at the door. I dressed up as an angel and might have been described as cute had it not been for the red runny nose. I think I have hay fever!

Yesterday we also went to a pool party. Of course I was too sick to go in the pool, but Spencer did try really hard to push me in. It was very close but thankfully I didn't go in. Who knows what would have happened if I had.

Anyway, I should go and rest some more. Hope you are all good.

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