Saturday, October 23, 2004

The same stars sparkle in the sapphire sky

I'm sitting in the Stannis office at the moment and I'm being pretty antisocial so this should be quick.

I'm doing ok at the moment. Surviving with being away from my family and stuff. I'm also getting lots of opportunities to try new things.

I was going through one of my really stupid (and probably frustrating for other people) moments of not liking myself. Really annoying thing is that I can argue with myself about it, especially about comparing myself to other people! It would be quite amusing for other people to listen to- if only it wasn't in my head.

I'm sure you're very pleased to read my pessimistic rambling. I do have positive moments too. Like the fact that I'm putting in 100% and I'm willing to do pretty much anything I'm asked to. I still need to work on initiative. I'm not very good at that! Charlie says he's impressed with me though. I'm just impressed I've lasted this long. I'm determined to stick it out and get as much out of it as I possibly can. As I've been taught that you have to give a lot to get a lot I'm giving all I can.

Anyway, I'm going to stop rambling and go be a family member.

Hope you are good!

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