Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Finding Nemo

I just read the NaNoBlogMo thing and it looks pretty cool. It's about writing a novel. I've always wanted to write one but never had enough drive or inspiration to. I think I'd still like to though. I just need to find a topic.

Today I have to say was pretty uneventful and not too blog worthy. I did spend some time working through a program for Care College (group of 4/5 year olds that meet at church with the cool Care College teachers). Charlie and I are going to get a chance to do stuff with them for a while on Thursday mornings. We're going to use puppets and tell bible stories and sing songs. It sounds very fun and something I'm excited about being involved in. I love kids that age and I really love getting to spend time with them and watching them learn. Yes, I am somewhat passionate about them and have considered teaching, but Stran is evil and I think that I'll just do something with chemistry instead. Or just keep my options open until I absolutely have to decide what I'm going to do with the rest of my life.

I watched a movie tonight (Cinderella Story) with Becca and Kathy. It got me thinking about leaving school and now being in a weird place. School provides so much structure and I love having that in my life. I'm kind of in the middle of the ocean now -with everything looking the same and yet nothing is familiar. I do feel blessed though just from being able to spend time with people here, but I feel partly that I don't know what I'm doing and that I'm not really meant to be here. I know many will tell me that it's the devil attacking and stuff, and yeah I do believe in the spiritual warfare and I have felt that the devil has attacked me, but it feels more like I'm torn between things. I can see the good in both situations and so it's conflicting me. I guess I'm meant to be here though.

I hope you are all good and are feeling more secure in your surroundings than I am.

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