Thursday, November 18, 2004

Sporadic scoops

Sorry that my entries are so sporadic but I don't really feel I have much to write.

Over the weekend I didn't do very much. I organised stuff for youth and spent lots of time practicing the piano. I accompanied the Children's Choir on Sunday in a service for the most annoying song in the world. Thankfully I managed not to make any mistakes but now people think I can actually play without 20 hours of practice so I've already been signed up to play "Deck the halls" a week on Sunday. Not fun. I'm dreading it simply because people know the song so well so they'll know if I get it wrong.

Also on Sunday we had Youth Band practice. Charlie, being Charlie, made me sing into a microphone and attempt to play guitar at the same time. I never thought it would be so challenging, or that my fingers would hurt so much. I've been practicing every day and next week he won't be there so I'll have to lead practice. It could be amusing or just depressing. Thankfully we don't have to play for a while so we have time to practice the three songs that we have. I'm liking the challenge of it cause it's something I really want to be able to do, even though I keep saying that I just want to sing. I think that's cause I miss singing so much. Last year it was part of basically every day of my life. Now I'm glad to have a driver's license so I can sing along with the radio. Sad, I know.

I did have the opportunity this week to work on my music theory as Charlie passed the job of writing music for the trombone to me. Slightly challenging as I don't know much about the trombone and I haven't done theory for 2 and a bit years.

Tonight I helped lead a 1 st grade class. It was fun. We learnt about John the Baptist and I was impressed at how well they listened. We also made cardboard doves. They were covered with feathers and had a spoon attached to the bottom, apparently to make it fly better. I didn't see the improvement but that's what the book said. Then again, it did say to use a paper plate and not a cardboard bird. Ah well. They still enjoyed sticking loads of feathers on and telling me all about Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is next week and I think Dawn is going to have lots of family round. Slightly worrying. But I'm sure it'll still be fun.

Anyway, not much else has been happening except for the usual busy office life. The next few months will be hectic with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year but hopefully I'll find time to keep you up to date.

Hope you are all good. I am- I had my first Monday off without being sick in over a month and didn't do a thing!

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