Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Driving Miss Daisy

Yesterday I was helping Becca with her cramming for her history test when I got a phone call from Charlie. My proper permit had arrived and he was very excited to tell me that I had to get up and be ready for 6.45 this morning.

So we arrived at the DMV at 7.15ish and were number 00. It had started at 70 something so we were in for a long wait. About 3 hours. Finally they called the number and then said there were still people in front me for the test so we waited another half hour. Finally I got into the car with the examiner.

I was really stressed about it. I was pretty sure I was going to fail and as I had so much time to think about stuff I had come up with lots of things to fail over. Anyway, we drove around and then back to the DMV and I passed with flying colours. Absolutely no mistakes. I was totally shocked. I still am. It's completely weird to be driving in a car on my own. I'll probably get lost soon!!

On Saturday we went to Boonadducious which was a Christian concert with Toby Mac and Third Day. It was pretty cool. At one stage I was just staring into the sky. It was a clear night and the stars were really bright. I started thinking that it would be very easy for someone to question why so many of us were at a Christian concert. It's odd how I have studied so much science and yet it's still really hard to actually prove God. Anyway, I was looking at the stars and I started thinking about how they are just like God. He's always there, even when we can't see him.

When I got home I wrote a poem about it cause I finally felt inspired. The weird thing is that my devotion on Sunday was about the stars and how someone had flown up in search of God but had found no proof. Had he been a poet he might have seen God everywhere. I was slightly freaked at the link but then I thought about how cool it is. I like having images from God.

Next Sunday I have to play piano with the children's choir. I'm really nervous. I don't feel very confident when I play and an audience puts me off. But I can still do all things through Christ who strengthens me so I'll just keep trying. I'm also playing guitar with the youth band. I only started teaching myself a few months ago and I didn't really put much effort into it before. It's all rather daunting. I'd quite like to just go back to singing. It's so much easier!

When I was scrolling through my blog I noticed that there were links through out it. Does anyone know where they came from? I wasn't very pleased cause the blue doesn't really go. Plus who wants to look up chocolate cake online? It's no fun if you can't smell or eat it. (Bet I have another link for that now!)

Anyway, I'm such a waster cause now I'm tired. I have been up since 6.15 but who goes to bed at 9.30? I guess I should just go with what my body says though cause I've already been sick too much!

Hope you are all well.

1 comment:

roast honey said...

Love reading your blog, nice one on getting the test. I have to say no one loves getting up and using their gifts cause the devil is constantly putting us down-but keep going. 'Give yourself to the good gifts God has given you.' That's in Corinthians somewhere.

A guy came into our school to talk about stars, a nasa engineer-reminded me that it says in Genesis that the reason the stars are there is for us to marvel at God's goodness and their beauty, oh and to give light!