Tuesday, November 23, 2004

'Twas the Monday before Thanksgiving

I thought now would be a good time to write before all the chaos of Thanksgiving occurs.

The weekend was pretty hectic and tiring. I stayed at Charlie's house on Friday night so that the dogs wouldn't get lonely. I didn't sleep very well and then had to get up early to go to Wellington Mall. I guess I wasn't in the mood to shop cause I only got two things (and one of those Sharon bought me for Christmas. Just in case you wanted to know, Sharon is Dawn's mum. She treats me somewhat like a grandchild.)

After the long day at the mall I went to sleep for two hours. I didn't mean to, but couldn't help it. It did mean that I didn't feel like eating until Sunday morning though.

I have never had such a mad Sunday. First of all we have Hanging of the Greens next week -a service when the kids decorate the church. Apparently I'm now singing with the youth. Don't know how I ended up doing that seeing as I'm not a member of the youth, but I guess I don't really mind. Only thing is that they sing Away in a Manger to a weird melody and it quite annoys me. It's one of my favourite Christmas songs and now I won't get to sing it the right way.

So anyway, we were practicing for that and then I had my Sunday school class. After Sunday school I went to lunch with a few girls from youth. We had our first small group and it went ok. They got a little bit sidetracked but I was ok with that cause I wanted to keep it casual, but then I wasn't ok with it cause we weren't really getting anywhere. We did get back to the point though and I think they were inspired by the story we read. Hopefully they got something out of it. I don't feel particularly gifted as a small group leader.

As Charlie was away this weekend Youth Band practice was slightly different. We went through some stuff but things just seem to flow better when Charlie is there. Youth definitely flows better. I just don't like being in a position of authority.

Anyway, today was fun. We had the twins, Trinity and Logan, over and we took them to the park. They are so cute when they are sleeping and they didn't cry all day. Only thing was that it was very tiring and I hurt my ankle again. Oops. Ah well.

Gary and Louise are coming tomorrow so soon enough I will have chocolate again. Yay! I can't wait. I might also have contact lenses and some more clothes.

Anyway, I'm going to go rest now. Hope you are all well!

I would say Happy Thanksgiving, but you don't celebrate it. Perhaps you could learn some stuff about it though...I'm an expert.

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