Friday, November 05, 2004

Malteaser Moment

Do you ever have blonde days? I'm having one. I just can't get my brain to compute anything. Charlie asked me to find a story about serving. Something inspirational that we can use with youth next week. All I can come up with is about starfish. It's quite a cute story but not entirely relevant.

I think I'm stressing myself too much about it. I want to be able to contribute but everything just seems a bit much for me today and I think I'm going to have to take a few deep breaths to get back to something close to normal. I was hoping to be more collected today but it's not going to happen.

I haven't done much this week. On Wednesday Ronda couldn't come to Extreme Kids so I had to take the 4/5 year old class. It went somewhat well. Elijah wouldn't be my first choice on a story to tell. They had more questions about how bread is made than anything. They also got a bit distracted and started to recite humpty dumpty to me. It was cute the first time but rather annoying after a while.

We did lots of dancing and so I got lots of exercise. It was cool to see them so excited about the songs. One little girl got this really complicated clapping rhythm completely right every time. I was so impressed.

I went to the mall yesterday and bought a few inspirational books. I will tell you about them when I start reading them. They look pretty good though and I'm excited about getting closer to God. I was kind of feeling a bit like I was sinking but I'm hanging in there.

Charlie read one of my poems to the youth. Thankfully he only told middle high that I wrote it. I don't mind him using it, and it did fit quite well, but it's embarrassing. I only really write for me. It's a great way to work stuff out in my head but I don't want everyone to read them cause it's kind of like bearing my soul or something. Each one is part of me and even though in my opinion they are pretty rubbish as far as poetry goes, they are still important to me. I wrote a new one last night and it was really exciting as I haven't written in so long. I love being inspired even if it is about sad stuff or hard stuff to think about.

I hope you are all well unlike me! I've had what seems to be a cold, though I'm told it's allergy stuff, for about a week. I'm feeling a bit better but it's still gross.

I'll try and update soon even though we have no computer at the house.

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