Thursday, March 05, 2009

I've just called the university and been told to stay home. Somehow that doesn't make me feel better about missing yet another day.

Being ill is so frustrating. I have no control over it! Even the illness today, that is in part self inflicted. My prep for the scan, and the scan itself. I read up all about barium enemas before the scan- in part it helps, in another way it scared the crap out of me and made me not want to go. But I went in the hope that they can figure out what's wrong with me. Anyway, I read that the recovery time is quite short and people feel fine to go back to work the next day. So I went back to work. I should always remember- I AM NOT NORMAL!

Even my reaction after the scan wasn't normal- I couldn't stop myself from trying to be sick despite my stomach being completely empty. So they gave me an anti sickness injection, valoid. I guess the effects had worn off yesterday in work. Today I feel a little unsteady on my feet and like I've been punched in the stomach. Probably not the best conditions for attempting to get two buses to uni.

One thing that has made me smile is twitter. I joined a while ago, before it was popular and wondered what on earth the point was. Now I enjoy catching up on other people's lives and having brief conversations with them. I love looking at other people's blogs and photos and seeing what they find interesting and beautiful in the world. It makes things a little brighter and I feel less alone.

Though I know I'm not alone. My family have been quite supportive this week, as well as Paul and his family. My mum bought me special foods to make me feel like eating (I don't feel like eating today though) and my dad and brother have refrained from teasing me- my brother even offered me his seat last night. It's good they are so understanding of me being ill because I am so often.
And poor Paul is all stressed out at work but he still managed to make me smile (and laugh though that's not so good for my stomach).

Somehow I feel better after writing this, despite the pain in my stomach, the lack of appetite, the fact that I'm missing more uni and the stress of all the things I need to do in the next few weeks. I really should write in my blog more often. I still need people to poke me to do it though!

1 comment:

sarasophia said...

I am so sorry about your stomach troubles. Feeling sick is no fun at all. But I am so glad to have found you through is lovely to have such a sweet new friend.

<3 sarasophia