Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I think I'm finally feeling a bit more normal.

I think emotional breakdowns are healthy (car breakdowns not so much but that's a whole other story). I've been trying to convince myself that life is great, but there are always cracks underneath. And then I go to the other extreme of wanting to run away from my life now- when I know there are things that I wouldn't give up.

I need to change my focus. I've been trying to concentrate fully on university, thinking that would make me work harder as I would have all the deadlines in my mind. I've found it's just made me stress out more. Now I'm going to have fun with ticking things off leaving me with just one thing to concentrate on.

The big things to tick off are my essays- 4200 words worth of me babbling that seemed to actually make sense to my sister. Impressive I think. Not to mention it added up to 17 pages with all the diagrams.

Talking of pages- I now have 17 pages for my 40 page report. Okay, I've got 23 pages left but I'm 17 pages closer to being done. Yay. And I do have some idea of what to write. I'm going to have another bash at it and my presentation tomorrow and if it's still a disaster I'll ask my supervisor for help on Thursday.

I'm ever hopeful that things will just fall into place. I need to survive another week and a bit and then I can breathe again.

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