Sunday, March 08, 2009

I am a lover of cheesy girly mags. I have no idea what the appeal is really, because for the most part I find them depressing. Firstly, I can't afford all the lovely things in them and secondly, all the girls in the magazine are thinner than me, have nicer clothes, prettier faces etc etc. Of course you really can't tell all that much from a picture.

They say a picture tells a thousand words, but no one ever said they were the truth.

And do I really want to live up to these people? Would I give up chocolate? Would I give up the extra half hour snuggled up in my bed to go for a run? Err... no. Though I could probably live on McDonalds and still end up looking better than I do now should someone take the time to touch up my picture.

I heard some little things to look out for about anorexia and they worried me. Which is probably a good sign. One thing was the choice of using a teaspoon rather than a dessert spoon. Which I tend to do. I don't know why. I also feel guilty when I eat food and no one is around. Am I strange?

Anyway- to "cure" me from my tendencies I have borrowed a few images to scare me straight. I hope they don't cause nightmares.

By Photographer of the year 2007 Andrzej Dragan

1 comment:

crpitt said...

Answer to 'Am I stange'

Nope, unless I am too, maybe don't answer that :)

My counselling tutor is also an eating disorders counsellor and hates cheesy mags with a passion, she can get quite scary when you broach the subject. But its nice to see her so passionate about the negative body image messages they send to anyone and everyone that reads them. Especially when you have had a bad day.

I think its good to keep a check on any negative messages your brain tries to throw at you and I think writing this post is great.