Thursday, March 10, 2005

On the road again.

Hello again!

Well I guess I got my answer about solos. Palm Sunday is my first. I have no clue what I'm going to sing or if I'll even be able to sing it. Any suggestions would be welcomed cause I'm not very good at picking songs at the best of times and I'm kind of stressed about it so that makes my decision even harder.

I'm also singing Easter Sunday at the sunrise service. I'm not sure if my vocal chords will be warmed up at 6a.m. but at least I have a song for then. Glorify thy name. It's quite a pretty song but I'm going to have to make sure to start it somewhat low otherwise I'll sound like a cat being strangled. Not what you want to wake up to.

Today I'm leaving for The Walk to Emmaus. A very hush-hush retreat thing. Somewhat weird and Ronda and Dawn are having lots of fun getting me worried and stressed over it cause really anything could happen. They make you sing for food and stuff. Odd. I'd like to say I'll fill you in next week but I think I'll have caught the silent bug and seeing as it might be coming to Ireland it wouldn't be fair of me to say anything. Plus the fact that who knows reads this blog. What if I spoil it for someone? I'm just going to keep my mouth shut.

Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely weekend and maybe I'll update next week with my song choice. I bet you all can't wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your weekend went well and now you understand the reason for the scerets.