Monday, March 21, 2005

Celebration Sunday

I'm very impressed my last entry is still there! The computer, um.. took a little nap.. during the publishing so I really didn't expect it to be on the site, but good thing it is because otherwise I would have been a little upset that I wasted all that time writing it. Though I mainly write for me so it wouldn't have been a complete waste of time.

Anyway, I used my lessons from The Walk to Emmaus and sang in church today, in fact I sang at two services. The second went better than the first 'cause I wasn't as nervous. I had a really cool focus point at the back of the church. There's a cross placed directly in the middle, above the pews. It's really pretty and reassuring. The second service I had built up a little confidence as I had already survived the first one so I also let my eyes stray to the congregation. Lucky I know all the words so well otherwise I might have had a problem.

Everyone was such an encouragement afterwards though. A really cool thing Renee said was that before I sang the children (who were in service because they had walked through with palm branches) were completely distracted but when I sang they were attentive and seemed to be taking it all in. Was quite a nice thought really. Amazing that they would want to listen to me sing. They were also so encouraging afterwards. One of the kids who hadn't listened to me all morning gave me two thumbs up, with a really huge grin, and then kept going up to people saying "She can sing, did you know she could sing? I didn't know she could sing, but she can sing!" He's a little bit hyper!

Next week is Sunrise service solo. I still haven't figured out if I can sing at 6 a.m., but lucky for me the clocks don't go forward until April 3 rd in USA so it will still be 6 a.m. rather than 5. Not looking forward to the April 3 rd though.

It'll be weird having 6 hours difference of time zone though. I'm not sure if I'll be able to talk to my family.

Speaking of family, it's my dad's birthday today. I didn't get to speak to him but I did send him a card. I have no idea what I wrote in it as I can't remember, but my dad seemed to like it. I do know though that I filled the entire card with writing that I'm sure he's going to have to wear his new glasses to read!

Also today it was obviously Celebration Sunday- end of the 3 month building campaign. I really can't believe it's over but I'm glad it is 'cause I can't be asked to be on the follow up team as I won't be here for the next three years. Not that I minded be on the team. I learnt a lot and got to spend time with people I otherwise would never have even learnt their names. It was a good experience. However, it was a stressful experience even though I wasn't that heavily involved.

Anyway, this week is going to be very busy so I'm sure I won't find much time to update- as I'll be asleep- but hopefully the week after things will be normal-ish and so I'll have time, and hopefully remember.

Hope you are all walking on the sunny side of the street! xo.

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