Monday, March 28, 2005

Easter events

Well at least I gave my excuse in early for not updating all week! Really, I did have time to, but I put it off. Somehow I just didn't feel like updating. Guess it was the case of having nothing to say again.

So last week was eventful, now that it's over and I'm looking back. I spent a lot of time sitting in Room 1 apparently watching over the labyrinth, but really I was just sitting there reading (and resting my swollen ankle). I think the labyrinth went well though. Everyone who went through it (including me) said they enjoyed it. It was a good way to be in the right place on the lead up to Easter.

I also finished my lent reading of the entire book of John. I thought I was never going to finish it! But I think it made reading the bible easier as it was a goal that I had set. I normally don't set goals so other than actually finding out more about God there's no reason for me to force myself to read it (how bad does that sound?) It's not that I don't enjoy learning about God but, as I'm sure most people feel, the bible can sometimes be a bit boring and not feel like it's actually God speaking to us- like it's directed at someone from the dark ages cause the parables and stuff are no longer completely relevant to society.

I did feel that God was speaking to me yesterday though. Pastor Renee's sermon was exactly what I'd been thinking all week- and even though I work in the church, I had no idea she was going to preach on it! God is a wonder.

Yesterday I also went to Sunrise service- to sing. Went okay after a shaky start. Wouldn't want them to think I can do solos whenever they want! It was a nice service, but really 4.45am is too early to get up. Eugh!

Easter is another occasion when Americans like to eat. I went to 'Grandma's' house yesterday for both lunch and dinner! I didn't think I was going to be able to eat dinner though as I'd eaten so much for lunch!

They also REALLY like doing egg hunts. We had our big Easter event at the church on Saturday and there were 5 egg hunts that involved 19000 eggs. How nuts is that? There was also crafts, free food, music, and inflatable obstacle course, slide and bungee run! I think in total there were 1600 visitors to the church property.

Then we had our own mini egg hunt yesterday. Not as big as 19000 eggs, but I still got an entire bucket full of chocolates and sweets that I'm never going to be able to eat! The Easter bunny also paid a visit yesterday morning- so I got way too much food this weekend.

The weather has been really heating up lately. I got burnt on Saturday and I think also yesterday. Oops. And Charlie was telling me that Sunbeds were bad! It's not too bad though, just a little on my neck and stuff. I guess I should be happy to get any colour at all even though milk white is so my colour! I think I'll be glad to be home though- no bugs that I'm allergic too and no sun that either fries you or makes you melt!

Well I hope you all had a happy Easter, and truly felt God's amazing love. I can't think of anything else that's worth writing so I'll leave you with that happy thought!xo.

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