Monday, March 28, 2005

Easter events

Well at least I gave my excuse in early for not updating all week! Really, I did have time to, but I put it off. Somehow I just didn't feel like updating. Guess it was the case of having nothing to say again.

So last week was eventful, now that it's over and I'm looking back. I spent a lot of time sitting in Room 1 apparently watching over the labyrinth, but really I was just sitting there reading (and resting my swollen ankle). I think the labyrinth went well though. Everyone who went through it (including me) said they enjoyed it. It was a good way to be in the right place on the lead up to Easter.

I also finished my lent reading of the entire book of John. I thought I was never going to finish it! But I think it made reading the bible easier as it was a goal that I had set. I normally don't set goals so other than actually finding out more about God there's no reason for me to force myself to read it (how bad does that sound?) It's not that I don't enjoy learning about God but, as I'm sure most people feel, the bible can sometimes be a bit boring and not feel like it's actually God speaking to us- like it's directed at someone from the dark ages cause the parables and stuff are no longer completely relevant to society.

I did feel that God was speaking to me yesterday though. Pastor Renee's sermon was exactly what I'd been thinking all week- and even though I work in the church, I had no idea she was going to preach on it! God is a wonder.

Yesterday I also went to Sunrise service- to sing. Went okay after a shaky start. Wouldn't want them to think I can do solos whenever they want! It was a nice service, but really 4.45am is too early to get up. Eugh!

Easter is another occasion when Americans like to eat. I went to 'Grandma's' house yesterday for both lunch and dinner! I didn't think I was going to be able to eat dinner though as I'd eaten so much for lunch!

They also REALLY like doing egg hunts. We had our big Easter event at the church on Saturday and there were 5 egg hunts that involved 19000 eggs. How nuts is that? There was also crafts, free food, music, and inflatable obstacle course, slide and bungee run! I think in total there were 1600 visitors to the church property.

Then we had our own mini egg hunt yesterday. Not as big as 19000 eggs, but I still got an entire bucket full of chocolates and sweets that I'm never going to be able to eat! The Easter bunny also paid a visit yesterday morning- so I got way too much food this weekend.

The weather has been really heating up lately. I got burnt on Saturday and I think also yesterday. Oops. And Charlie was telling me that Sunbeds were bad! It's not too bad though, just a little on my neck and stuff. I guess I should be happy to get any colour at all even though milk white is so my colour! I think I'll be glad to be home though- no bugs that I'm allergic too and no sun that either fries you or makes you melt!

Well I hope you all had a happy Easter, and truly felt God's amazing love. I can't think of anything else that's worth writing so I'll leave you with that happy thought!xo.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Celebration Sunday

I'm very impressed my last entry is still there! The computer, um.. took a little nap.. during the publishing so I really didn't expect it to be on the site, but good thing it is because otherwise I would have been a little upset that I wasted all that time writing it. Though I mainly write for me so it wouldn't have been a complete waste of time.

Anyway, I used my lessons from The Walk to Emmaus and sang in church today, in fact I sang at two services. The second went better than the first 'cause I wasn't as nervous. I had a really cool focus point at the back of the church. There's a cross placed directly in the middle, above the pews. It's really pretty and reassuring. The second service I had built up a little confidence as I had already survived the first one so I also let my eyes stray to the congregation. Lucky I know all the words so well otherwise I might have had a problem.

Everyone was such an encouragement afterwards though. A really cool thing Renee said was that before I sang the children (who were in service because they had walked through with palm branches) were completely distracted but when I sang they were attentive and seemed to be taking it all in. Was quite a nice thought really. Amazing that they would want to listen to me sing. They were also so encouraging afterwards. One of the kids who hadn't listened to me all morning gave me two thumbs up, with a really huge grin, and then kept going up to people saying "She can sing, did you know she could sing? I didn't know she could sing, but she can sing!" He's a little bit hyper!

Next week is Sunrise service solo. I still haven't figured out if I can sing at 6 a.m., but lucky for me the clocks don't go forward until April 3 rd in USA so it will still be 6 a.m. rather than 5. Not looking forward to the April 3 rd though.

It'll be weird having 6 hours difference of time zone though. I'm not sure if I'll be able to talk to my family.

Speaking of family, it's my dad's birthday today. I didn't get to speak to him but I did send him a card. I have no idea what I wrote in it as I can't remember, but my dad seemed to like it. I do know though that I filled the entire card with writing that I'm sure he's going to have to wear his new glasses to read!

Also today it was obviously Celebration Sunday- end of the 3 month building campaign. I really can't believe it's over but I'm glad it is 'cause I can't be asked to be on the follow up team as I won't be here for the next three years. Not that I minded be on the team. I learnt a lot and got to spend time with people I otherwise would never have even learnt their names. It was a good experience. However, it was a stressful experience even though I wasn't that heavily involved.

Anyway, this week is going to be very busy so I'm sure I won't find much time to update- as I'll be asleep- but hopefully the week after things will be normal-ish and so I'll have time, and hopefully remember.

Hope you are all walking on the sunny side of the street! xo.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

A vague update

So I'm back after a weekend of God and then a week of being sick (again- it's getting old for me too!) and of course St Patrick's day fun.

The weekend was cool. I can't tell you much cause it was so amazing that I really want everyone of my Christian friends to go on it. Life changing. But I can tell you that I really felt God and my relationship with Him will never be the same again. My life will be changed as a result of that deepened relationship.

My week was pretty laid-back. Monday night was a witness meeting for Eggstravaganza next week. It's going to be the only Easter event I've ever been to except for Anna Elliott's baking day last year. Chocolate and baking- what more could you want?

Tuesday night was the Leadership dinner meeting. About 130 church leaders had a really nice meal together and we listened to music and sang a bit. At this point my throat and ears were really sore but I needed to test if I could sing. A little bit but it hurt a lot and that kind of worried me.

Wednesday I practiced singing with Charlie and I made it through the whole song- How deep the Father's love for us. Charlie is going to play piano (that is if I actually have to sing- I mostly hope not.) Then I rested. Rest is good.

Thursday was obviously St Patrick's day so I wore a really cute green top with a Care Bear and four-leaf clover on it. I don't normally like green but it was quite nice on and I didn't look ill. Okay I did but that's cause I was. Care College had 4 little duckling and a bunny in. Very, very cute. I wanted to take one home but then reminded myself that there were evil pets at home and ducklings become ducks.

Thursday was also Dawn's birthday though we didn't go to dinner until tonight. It was a really nice dinner and I think it might tie me over for another few months so I won't get too homesick. Time's flying though.

I had to escape on Wednesday to have the opportunity to buy Dawn a present, but I really think she liked it. I wanted to get something that was just for her but she really doesn't do anything just for her. She's too nice! I bought her a mahogany photo frame though (and of course chocolate) and she seemed to like it. She has so many photographs and they are all displayed so nicely. She even has one from my birthday dinner in the office.

Friday I was meant to go with the family to Blizzard Beach in Disney, Orlando. However I was still sick so I didn't think it was a good idea to go to a water park, especially since it was meant to be cold. So I stayed home! It was such a lovely relaxing day. I woke up at like 8 but then I just stayed in bed and read an entire book. Then I walked the puppies and washed my car and finally got around to sorting through over 100 emails that I'd been putting off all week. I guess I missed spending time with just me. I don't want to appear that I don't appreciate my host family so most of the time I try to be social with them. Sometimes it's nice to just have time alone- or sometimes just sit in God's presence.

My favourite place at the moment is at Jesus' feet. It really is a safe and comforting place, where I can just lay everything down and worship Him freely- mostly through tears.

Anyway, I'm breaking my social rule now! I should go and either sleep or watch TV with the family.

Hope you are all well. Blessings! xox.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

On the road again.

Hello again!

Well I guess I got my answer about solos. Palm Sunday is my first. I have no clue what I'm going to sing or if I'll even be able to sing it. Any suggestions would be welcomed cause I'm not very good at picking songs at the best of times and I'm kind of stressed about it so that makes my decision even harder.

I'm also singing Easter Sunday at the sunrise service. I'm not sure if my vocal chords will be warmed up at 6a.m. but at least I have a song for then. Glorify thy name. It's quite a pretty song but I'm going to have to make sure to start it somewhat low otherwise I'll sound like a cat being strangled. Not what you want to wake up to.

Today I'm leaving for The Walk to Emmaus. A very hush-hush retreat thing. Somewhat weird and Ronda and Dawn are having lots of fun getting me worried and stressed over it cause really anything could happen. They make you sing for food and stuff. Odd. I'd like to say I'll fill you in next week but I think I'll have caught the silent bug and seeing as it might be coming to Ireland it wouldn't be fair of me to say anything. Plus the fact that who knows reads this blog. What if I spoil it for someone? I'm just going to keep my mouth shut.

Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely weekend and maybe I'll update next week with my song choice. I bet you all can't wait.

Monday, March 07, 2005

My Miracle

Okay, so last week, as a few of you may know, I was a little concerned about being an illegal alien!! Customs, being customs, had given me six months to stay in the country and that ran out yesterday (has it really been that long?)

So when we were getting panicked, okay I was getting panicked and Charlie was his usual laid-back self, Charlie got in touch with the INS and found that they were still processing stuff from December 12th, and my form didn't get there until January 12th. That made us think that it would take a month for them to get through the forms, and well that had me worried cause not only would I not be able to drive (it expired yesterday) but I'd also be illegal, though not able to leave the country cause the government had my white card. All very complicated.

So anyway, Saturday we went to a seminar about Youth work called CORE (very interesting). We got up really early, like 6, and I'd been sick all day Friday so it was very challenging. When we finished the first section Charlie sent me downstairs with Marge and then went up to the front.

We came back from the break and got back to our seats and the speaker started talking. He said something about having an announcement and then he called my name. Can you imagine the look on my face? So I stand up so he can find me (cause my voice wasn't quite 100% due to being sick- plus totally embarrassed) and then he says that I'm going to be an illegal alien from the next day. Everyone cheers.

But then he said that he had something for me. Shock! A VISA! Wahoo. Except that I had to walk up on the stage, embarrassed and still a little weak from sickness. He gave me a hug and then handed me my form. ALL very weird.

So I got my form! YAY! But, Charlie did try to call me Friday night to tell me this and of course I was sick in bed. So then he called Renee and Dawn to tell them and then devised the evil plan to tell me at 6.30 in the morning. Which obviously changed to embarrass me in front of the entire seminar. And this is the second time he's done this to me!!

So that's my Godsend. I know that I was meant to be here simply from the fact that the form actually made it to me. And I can stay until August 1st if I want. Though part of me really wants to go home June 30th. And then of course part of me wants to stay. On going battle.

I know I have other stuff to update you on but I don't think I would do it justice right now. I think I need to eat something. They had icky burgers at youth that weren't chicken! Lol.

Hope you're all well. xo.