Thursday, September 08, 2005


"ONE day while driving on a new motorway I noticed several large
electronic signs at various intervals above the road. Some of the signs
were blank, while others flashed a message, usually warning motorists of
traffic conditions ahead. I decided to look at all of them because one
might say something that would affect my route or safety.

As I thought about those signs, it dawned on me that I read the Bible
each day for much the same reason. Sometimes the Bible speaks to me
more than at other times. But on any given day there may be a message
there that will change the direction I am traveling and protect me or
someone else from harm. I may find a word of guidance that helps me
make a decision or avoid a sin. I may find a word of reproach that
causes me to change the way I'm thinking or acting. I may find a word
of grace that brings peace and forgiveness to my spirit. Each day I
read the Bible to see what message God has for me."
Dick Ryley

I read this is this morning (or actually afternoon for me cause I slept really late
due to the lack of sleep before!) It was kind of right there with what I needed to
think this morning what I needed to think.

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