Thursday, August 25, 2005

Simply summer

It's been forever since I've last updated. I've had the feeling that this is simply a blog for my time in America but I guess now that I'm home the experience isn't over...

So it's summer! Yay. Except I had to get a job. Yuck. Only worked two days and then was off a week for cssm though.

I remember going into CSSM and thinking "What am I doing?" I had thought after last year that I would not be doing it this year. I figured that after spending an entire 10 months in America doing somewhat of an extended CSSM, that I wouldn't need to do it this year, but I couldn't help but be sucked back in. Helped by the fact that I had Natasha, Gareth, Neil and Jayne talking me into it. I got my mum to send off my forms and figured that if they went through then I was meant to be on the team this year.

Well it was an experience! We started up on Saturday 30th July with a day of team building. Craziness more like. We did some sensible stuff, like talk about how to lead a small group and child protection info, and then of course had to make a toy or an item for the home with junk. Not only did we have to come up with the product, we also had to have an advertisement and jingle! It was hilarious.

Our team decided to make a jet pack. It could take you into space and underwater. It looked like noo-noo from the tellytubbies! Our song was based on the oompa- loompas! It was so funny. We also had a "science bit" with Dr. Dave telling us all the necessary babble that no one understood but still found highly amusing. So our team won!

Then we finally got into what we were really meant to be doing. I was signed up for worship and really it wasn't as bad I was expecting. I still suck at guitar, but they are 4-7 year olds so they're like "ooooh, guitar...."

I had the best small group ever though. Thirteen 4 year olds. Not only did they listen to the story once, they also listened to me read it from the NIV bible again to them. They knew most of the answers to the questions and then they prayed with me! They rock. Bethany drew a picture of me and told me it was because she loved me! How cute is that?

Anyway, the week went well. Weird that it was only a week. I think I got a whole lot out of it. Even though I didn't feel I was meant to be there, God showed up. I also made new friends, one in particular is Laura. She's amazing. It's odd how well we connect. I think I'd be lost without her. It was also good to see my old friends. Of course I missed my best CSSM friend Jenny. It's weird how we're only friends at CSSM really- but we are inseparable at CSSM!! And also Gingus, who is now know as Crunch but I'm going to call him Gareth. It was cool to have him doing the same section cause even though we were friends before, we never really had time to get to know each other before.

So I've been sick the past two weeks. Not fun. I went out for lunch on Tuesday, then to the doctors, then out to dinner and then to Jayne's house for a video night. Yesterday I felt like I was going to die. I really did over do it!

So I'm not finished being stretched. I've already done a bit through CSSM and this Saturday I've been asked to play guitar at the women's morning. Apparently there's a lack of musical women in my church- which I don't believe is true. I think they all just don't want to let on they are musically talented. Ah well. I won't be playing for them or me, so as long as I try my best and worship rather than pay attention to all the people, then I'm sure God will be pleased!

Hope you are all well. I need to go lie down now!! xo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're awesome Pauline.
And you don't suck at guitar
Sounds like you had a really great small group who you related well to - keep praying for them if you can.
I loved doing CSSM with you too.
And I also feel really rotten today (the cold) if its any consolation.
Do you read comments?
Pretty sure I'll see you really soon.