Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Ow, my head hurts!

This is going to be quick update!

Saturday actually went well. I was really nervous and my Aunt Lilian made me change most of the keys so they were lower. Lucky I studied music for so long! One of the keys was way too low though, and they all sang at different speeds. Was kinda funny, but still really annoying cause they weren't keeping with me. Really wish I'd had a microphone!

Yesterday I was singing in church. Haven't sang in ages. Not sure I enjoyed the morning service too much cause Simon was totally disorganised. The evening was amazing though. At one stage we had a 4part harmony cause Nicki, Brian and I were doing harmony while Glenn and Elaine sang the main melody. Was so cool to be a part of it. Then Jill was so sweet and came over and told me she loved my harmony- she does that every single time I sing! I love her!

Today I went to Lady Dixon's to play ultimate frisbee with my CSSM friends. So dangerous. Our team was winning 5 to 3. Surprising cause the other team really was better, but I think they were showing off. Either that or we were just lucky! We decided to have a break and most of us just sat and chatted. A few went to the ice cream van. When they came back, Natasha and I were talking and I made a passing comment that it would be funny to pour water down Gareth's back. Natasha took my water bottle and did just that. So then Gareth gets up and grabs me bottle of water. I grabbed his arm so he wouldn't be able to soak me without getting soaked too. I think he was impressed with my grip! Then I tried to take the bottle of him but it was open and he had it directed right at me so we both got soaked. I kicked him and he let go though.

So then we started playing again- everyone very into the game. Gareth had the frisbee and I was going to intercept, and I did manage it. Not exactly how I planned. I got hit on the forehead, from less than a meter away. I actually have a bump! I think it's going to bruise! I've never been so glad to have a fringe!

After that Naomi and I ran for the same frisbee. I went over on my ankle and she hurt her toe! I'm a disaster. Don't think I should be allowed to play any more!

I'm feeling a whole lot better about everything at the moment. I felt like there was a part of me missing, and I thought that was America. Obviously I miss it like crazy, but I thought the only way I could survive was there. I'm so glad when you land in the safety net after you take a risk!

Oh, I was told I should post some poetry, so the next post will be a random entry of my choice of poem...which to pick?

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