Monday, May 30, 2005


Ihad a very long Sunday. Started off at church for 8.15 service then I went and taught my 4/5th grade class and then went and spent some time chatting with people while Dawn sorted out VBS decorations. I spent the afternoon trying not to fall asleep! I practiced my guitar and wrote some stuff and then went to band practice for 4. Then there was youth and as soon as youth was over I went with some of the girls to get some dinner- the interesting part of my day.

We arrived at the resaturant before 8 and it was a disaster. We all ordered at the same time. Amanda wanted a chicken wrap but apparently they were out of wraps even though they had wraps for quesadillas but not for a wrap so we asked for a specific order made up. Then we waited for a while to get our food. Everyone got their food before me. In fact everyone had finished their food before I even got mine. Amanda and Bailey both needed a drink to finish their meals and even though they asked 4 different people it still took over 20minutes for them to get a drink!

Then they ordered ice cream while I finished my food. Half an hour later they still didn't have their ice creams. Also they were out of VANILLA ice cream (?!) and they didn't have any cheese to make cheese fries. It was nuts!

Not only that but the table next to us ordered their ice creams after us but got them before us- and they ordered 8 ice creams, which all came wrong!! We both complained and ended up with 50% off the meals. Was quite amusing talking to the people next to us- they were from NYC- but still a disaster!
Just thought you'd all like to know! Hope you're well.xo.

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