Friday, January 07, 2005

Simply everything

Well I guess I should feel bad for not writing for nearly a month, but somehow I just never found the time. This also means I have lots of stuff to update about.

Since my last entry was Dec 14th, I didn't get a chance to write about the Christmas Live Nativity. Well it went ahead even though it looked like it was going to rain the entire day! We had a pretty good turnout and I was surprised at the amount of youth participation. For the most part it went ahead without any problems (though one of the youth did pour water over Mary- to show her water breaking.) I even had the opportunity to sing with the praise band. I felt very privilaged.

Christmas Eve was full of services. Five in total, though I only went to two.

The first service was the Children's service. I was asked to play piano (hahahahaha) and well it was somewhat of a disaster, but at least I got to divert some of the attention when Charlie and I sang our song...

As we look back,
Years from this day,
We can picture the inn and the stable,
And a manger filled with hay.
The Saviour's star sparkles in the sapphire sky,
The Saviour's star sparkles in the sapphire sky.
Upon the makeshift bed,
The Saviour is lying,
The fullness of God, yet completely a child,
His mother calms his crying.
Born for a reason,
Born for the World,
To bring salvation and hope,
God's plan is unfurled.
The night's sky glows,
From the light of this star,
Seen by shepherds and wise men,
Who travel from afar.
Tonight as we worship,
The stars still shine,
As you see them you can say,
"The Christ child is mine."
We pray for the World,
Because this star shines bright,
We pray for the world because Jesus,
Because Jesus is the light.
The Saviour's star sparkles in the sapphire sky,
The Saviour's star sparkles in the sapphire sky.
Christmas day was slightly different. First of all there was no church, but I guess 5services the night before makes up for that. Secondly the Stannis family have different traditions, but that just makes me appreciate mine more. I can't wait til next year - I'm already excited! I especially can't wait to have Boxing day again.
New Years was equally weird. We went out to dinner on New Year's eve and then watched the ball in New york. Was nice to spend time with the family, especially Kathy.
Kathy was in a car accident on New Year's eve eve. She was passing a truck and lost control, though managed to steer away from traffic. Unfortunately the ditch was a lot steeper than she had anticipated and she flipped her car forward 6 times. It really is a miracle that she walked away with only a few scratches. It made me realise how much I'll miss her when I leave. My host family have been so accepting and loving and I know that I'll always have time for them.
And now you are pretty much up to date as the rest of the time was basically spent working or shopping. Nothing new there.
My parents arrive next week and I'm so excited. Maybe even enough to break into song! Okay, so I won't cause I'm in work and that might scare some people.
So I guess I won't be making many entries the next two weeks, but I promise to fill you in on all the touristy things I do with my parents.
Oh and by the way, by "New Year's resolution" (I put it in inverted commas cause resolutions never last and I kinda want to be able to keep this for a life time, even if it isn't consistent.) is...

To see the bigger picture rather than all the little pixels that could quite possibly make me crazy!
Hope you are all well!

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