Friday, October 10, 2008

The big issue

I see you standing there
And what do I do?
I walk on through
I walk on through

How did you end up here?
All alone
With no home
With no home

I always seem to pass you by
Too much to do to even try
To try and see things from your side
What it would be like if this was my life
Would I survive?

Maybe one day

Maybe one day I’ll wake up
And it won’t be so hard to miss you
And maybe one day I’ll wake up
And I won’t long for my lips to kiss yours.

But I know that this heart longs
To beat in time with your heart
I know this heart longs
To be yours and yours alone.

I'll call on you

When I feel like I’m losing
When I don’t know the way
When my dreams are all broken
And the night fills my days

When I can’t fall asleep
When the nightmares seem real
When the world knocks me down
And the bruises won’t heal

I’ll call on you
I’ll call on you

100 things you probably don't need to know about me but I'm telling you anyway

1. I hate getting my picture taken although I am getting better at it.
2. I have a hamster who I adore.
3. I'm scared of pigeons.
4. I hate the fact that I worry so much.
5. I obsess about what clothes I'm going to wear the next day, a week in advance, for a special occasion a month in advance…
6. I have viral labyrinthitis and can't look at black and white things for long periods of time.
7. I couldn't leave home without my phone.
8. My favourite colour varies daily.
9. I like listening to music that affects my mood.
10. I love girly films.
11. I have a weird kidney defect and have to take potassium tablets.
12. I love soul music.
13. I want to work with kids.
14. I love hugs.
15. I love chocolate.
16. I secretly wish I could be a popstar (not so secret now).
17. I love getting caught in the rain and then coming home to change into pyjamas and curl up in front of the tv.
18. I study Chemistry.
19. I love kisses.
20. I love to drool over Johnny Depp.
21. I suck at saying no.
22. I love to sing.
23. I hate exams.
24. I love chinese food.
25. I love to write poetry.
26. Some days I like me.
27. I wish I was better at playing guitar.
28. I want to be able to cook.
29. I have a desire to shop and have to avoid shops so I don't spend money.
30. I love the Czech Rep because of all the sunflowers.
31. I have weak ankles- even though I've had lots of physio.
32. I like singing along with the radio.
33. I want to learn how to speak another language.
34. I have a book about how boys are stupid and it makes me giggle.
35. My favourite flower is a tulip.
36. I'm scared of spiders.
37. I love the beach- even in freezing cold Northern Ireland.
38. I worry about getting old and wrinkly.
39. I like sour food.
40. I'm proud of being soppy.
41. I want to have kids.
42. I love tea.
43. If I were to have a superpower I'd want to be able to fly.
44. I want to go to Athens.
45. I'm scared of snakes.
46. I want to learn more about myself.
47. I like being warm.
48. I like spicy food.
49. I'm scared of heights.
50. I want a puppy.
51. I've already picked out names for my kids.
52. I love having coffee with friends, and spending time with Paul.
53. I love taking pictures.
54. I love dresses.
55. I lived in Florida for a year.
56. I’m easily amused.
57. I'm trying to increase my collection of music and dvds- so I don't seem so uncool!
58. I love high heels- even though I don't wear them often.
59. I wish I was shorter.
60. My eyes have lots of colour in them.
61. I get easily distracted.
62. I get grumpy if I don't have enough sleep- or enough potassium.
63. I miss Claire!
64. I love to harmonise when I sing.
65. I love teddies.
66. I have double jointed fingers.
67. I love my hair.
68. I play a cornet.
69. I'm short-sighted.
70. I hate bikinis.
71. I want to be fitter.
72. I either walk or clean when I'm in a bad mood.
73. I love my big sis!
74. My favourite animal is a koala, even though I've heard they are evil.
75. I'm really bad at taking compliments.
76. My first car was a toyota corolla.
77. I hate goodbyes.
78. I love Nemo- watching or quoting rather than finding.
79. I want a fairytale romance with a prince and happy ever after.
80. Disney screwed up my view of love!!
81. My car's name is Tink.
82. I want Fraggle Rock, Dinosaurs and Secret bars to come back.
83. I only like silver jewellery.
84. I used to hate wearing jeans.
85. I'm indecisive.
86. I like things that are sparkly.
87. I have really long legs.
88. My favourite chemistry module is quantum mechanics.
89. I hate wearing my glasses.
90. I dance like no one is watching.
91. I hate the game monopoly because I get bored before it ends.
92. I like stars.
93. I like happy endings.
94. I like getting messages and emails from people just because they miss me.
95. I fall in love easily.
96. My favourite holiday is Christmas.
97. I don't really like my ears.
98. I love laughing- even when I'm being tickled.
99. I love foot massages.
100.I'm most often defined as cute.

*This list is subject to change- cause I'm particularly indecisive.