Tuesday, June 28, 2005

So long, farewell..

The reason it feels like forever since I last wrote is because it has been forever!

June has been hectic. The first week or so was spent preparing for VBS (holiday bible school), which was so much fun. Going into it I was getting more and more freaked out as I realised what I'd actually signed up for. I think if I'd know all that was required of me as music director I never would have dreamed of saying yes!

So for an entire 5 days I went through the routine on Serengeti Trek...
I went to church early (as in like 4 in the afternoon!) and set up power point for the songs and for Middle high vbs.
Around 5.30 I'd help with registration, at least on the first day until we realised how little time I was going to have to eat! Then Elisa and I stood up at front and introduced the night by doing a funny skit. I'm still having trouble picturing myself standing in front of about 130 kids with a mic and a silly hat. I'm impressed I remembered the lines, though Elisa did have a lot more to say than me and she did have to do an impression of a crowned crane. Very funny.

Then Charlie thankfully helped me to lead songs and a few of the youth girls helped me with actions. Was so much fun standing at the front and being Ms. Perky (and for all teenstreet goers - I honestly believe I wasn't as creepy). Then the kids watched Chadder the chipmunk as I hobbled over to my room preparing for a night of music madness.

The kids arrived in groups for 20 minute sessions. I told them their bible point and treasure verse and of course led them in some songs. A couple of the kids really liked them, and I even got some of the way too cool 11 year olds to join in.

Interesting things I learned along the way- Zebras can tell each other apart by their stripes, Lions can talk with their tails, Elephants work even when they are walking by making paths for people.

The closing was taken on by Charlie and all I had to do was stand there and sing. A far easier task than having to remember lines!

It was a really fun experience. I did have a little bit of trouble throughout the week as my ankle was playing up but I think it was just more impressive!

Of course just before VBS little Eva Rachel Charles was born. She is the cutest thing ever. I'm glad that Charlie was able to separate himself from them for a few hours during the week cause I would not have wanted to have his job. It was worse than music director! I will upload pics of Eva for all those who have not seen her- and for those who have, you can never see enough.

Last week was a week of play. We went to the mall and made "build a bears" (Becca and I have twin bears) and went to the Rapids Water Park. I loved the water park. The slides were so cool! I loved spending time with Kathy and Becca. I'm going to miss them a lot but I do have some really good memories to take home with me.

Last night was my goodbye thing at church. We had a chicken potluck and then Charlie winged a program. How appropriate. He asked if anyone wanted to share anything and so many people did. People also came up afterwards to tell me stuff face to face. I got so many presents (don't these people know I have no space left in my cases?), which was so sweet. THE BEST PRESENT EVER was the memories book. It's amazing. So many people contributed letters and pictures. I don't think I'll ever be able to read through it without crying, and of course smiling, at all the beautiful people who wanted to tell me that I'm loved. Yeh, I'm loved! How cool is that?

Of course the night was all about me, and how can you not have a night about me without "forcing" me to sing in front of everyone? I did enjoy it though I was crying when they dragged me up front. Is it really fair to put someone on the spot to sing when they are all choked up? Apparently it still sounded good even though I totally forgot the lines at one point. Karaoke is so much easier!

Today was tough. I went to lunch with Molly and Bailey and little Brigette. We had such a laugh just hanging out. Then we went bowling. Such an odd mix- 8 year old Brigette who never once didn't have bumpers, me with really only fluke on my side, Molly with her old average of 145, and Bailey. Scary Bailey. She nearly dropped a bowling ball on her foot! And then she threw the ball behind her!

It was so much fun being with them and singing along in the car. I'll miss them dearly. Saying goodbye was tough. I felt like just walking away from it. I hope and pray that I'll see them soon. I know they are dying to come visit me so I can show them what it's really like at home.

And home I will be soon enough. I'm not looking forward to many other sad goodbyes this week but the love I've felt here will go with me no matter where I go. Port St Lucie will always be a place close to my heart- and the church with the lighthouse on the corner will always be like home to me.

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