Tuesday, February 15, 2005


So I feel bad for not writing sooner. Okay so I really don't cause I honestly had nothing to write and I still don't really have anything to write.

Ok so since the time of my last entry my life got a little hectic and possibly self-absorbed. But I did have a lot to think through so I think it was better to do it all in one go than to draw it out for a long time.

So not much has happened other than that. I was sick all last week with this weird cold, cough thing that had me feeling really tired and sometimes dizzy and generally disgusting. I never want to have that again.

So I finally got all better after an entire week of feeling icky!

I did get to go on some home visits during the week though (even though most mornings I woke up without a voice). It really was a blessing to meet the different members of the congreation and my partner Pam was such an encouragement to me. She even made praying out loud an okay thing for me- in front of a small, small group of people.

Sunday my small group was a little bizarre but still encouraging. We decided to talk about relationships- lots of questions directed at me- but Lora said something really cool. When Kathy was talking about something that she wanted Lora simply said "Just pray about it." Which was really cool cause sometimes I make the mistake of categorizing her as ditzy.

On Sunday night youth was quite different cause we had changed rooms. We changed the setup of the night to have the youth pay for their own food at tuckshop and to have a more upfront interaction night with the youth band's debut. Was challenging for me as I haven't played guitar for about a month, I had a terrible migraine and my microphone was turned up way too loud for my liking. I do think that it went well though.

Then once everyone had gone home and we'd tidied up I sat down across from Margaret to tell her stuff about Thursday night and next thing I know she's shouting "MOUSE" and is backing her chair (on wheels) away from me.

I turned round to where she was looking and a huge mouse (which actually was a rat) was coming out of the ceiling, which really isn't there cause of hurricane repairs, and it was crawling down the wall.

I have never left a room as quickly. And I never want to return again but they are having a potluck dinner next week and I have to go! Eugh gross. I'm so putting my feet up on the chair. I don't care if I have to sit crosslegged the entire meal.

Ok, so really I did have stuff to write. Gross stuff, but stuff all the same.

So today in work I had a really bad computer day. First Charlie's computer sounded like it was making coffee when I tried to save a powerpoint presentation. In the end it didn't save it but crashed twice instead. And then my computer would only open two programs so I couldn't do my work there. And then this afternoon my computer screen turned blue and windows error came up and then it turned black and I nearly lost all my work again.

So now I am scared of computers. Well not really, but I might throw the next one that crashes out the window.
I must go but if you have free time please vote for Kate and Andre at this website-
Thanks! xo

1 comment:

Koala Mentala said...

It's nice to see a fellow God-fearing blog!