Sunday, September 14, 2008


Standing still
The world's moving fast
If you close your eyes
You'll miss the last

But a second today
Can last a minute
And time can pay

Just imagine
How long a second feels
When you're spinning
With no control of the wheel
And then you stop.

Standing still
The world's moving fast
If you close your eyes
You'll miss the last

Back to blogging

It has been a long long time since I last wrote on my blog- and a lot has changed for me.

I still have a year left of university, and I really can't wait for it to be over. People say that university is a great experience, but to be honest I haven't enjoyed very much of it. Not university's fault I guess. I have been too sick to act my age- to enjoy the fun parts of uni, and also to pay attention in lectures. It's just been one challenge after another. I do enjoy a challenge at times, but sometimes it would be nice to just have a break.

This summer has been good though. I've managed to work quite a bit- only two or three days a week but it's an achievement for me. I've also spent a lot of time catching up with friends and trying to live life even though I still have days of feeling like something is sitting on my head- bringing back the fog, fatigue and aches throughout my body. I have got days of no pain at all thank goodness- I never thought I would have that, especially when my stomach pains come back. I have to put things into perspective though and see that life can be good, and the amount of good days are increasing.

I've also met the most amazing guy. I know I'm the kind of person who falls easily, and always wants to see the best in people, but Paul really does know how to look after me well. He's such a sweetheart and very understanding about my bad days. I try to not be grumpy around him, and quite often that is very easy as he knows just how to make me smile and feel special, but I know that I'm going to have to let him see me at my worst for him to fully understand it.